Ortigia palaces

  • 1 day
  • 2,3 km
  • Easy

It is amazing how many building are in the old town of Ortigia. Belonging to the ancient noble families of Siracusa, they show Renaissance architecture combined with Aragonese, Gothic, Baroque and Art Nouveau.

You will find the remains of an Ionic temple in the basement of one of the palaces, wrought iron railings, an old isolation hospital and a very special lizard. Are you ready to enjoy this cultural adventure?


Palace Borgia del Casale

Culture, Monuments

Palazzo Borgia del Casale is one of the most beautiful rococo buildings in Ortigia. From the inscription on the arch of the hallway it is clear that the building was built in 1760 by Joseph Maria Borgia of the barons of Casale, whose family crest …


Beneventano Palace

Culture, Monuments

Originally erected by the Arezzo’s family, it was the site of the Queen’s Chamber, of the city Senate and hosted the Gerosolimitana Commendation of the Borgia family. In 1778 the house was bought by Baron Guglielmo Beneventano. From this time begins the renovation of the …


Palace Vermexio or of Senate

Culture, Monuments

The palace Vermexio also called Palace of the Senate (1629 – 1633) was commissioned by the city government to the architect John Vermexio to replace the ancient headquarters of the Chamber Reginale of Syracuse. The building then became the government building of the city until …


Palace Migliaccio

Culture, Monuments

Palace Migliaccio, representative monument of the Syracuse Renaissance, is one of the few fifteenth century monuments which didn’t collapse after the earthquake in 1693 which destroyed most of the Medieval and Renaissance buildings of South Eastern Sicily. The building was closed to the public as …


Via della maestranza

Culture, Monuments, Tipical places

One of the oldest and most picturesque streets of Ortigia is via della Maestranza, characterized by noble’ s houses of Baroque appearance. Entering in Via della Maestranza from Piazza Archimede, you will find Palazzo Impellizzeri-Vianisi (Via della Maestranza, 17), erected in the early ‘700. Of …


Archimede square

Culture, Monuments

At the center of the square stands the beautiful fountain of Diana of the sculptor Giulio Moschetti of 1906 which tells the legend of Arethusa. The nymph is portrayed in the act of fleeing from Alpheus who, with his outstretched arms, tries to grab her. …


Palace Mergulese Montalto

Culture, Monuments

The palace Mergulense – Montalto is located in the ancient Spirduta (“spidduta”), the island of Ortigia. The building dates back to the fourteenth century and is characterized by a medieval prospectus with carved dark stones, typical of the fourteenth century architecture of Syracuse. It …


Palace Francica Nava

Culture, Monuments

Palace Francica – Nava is an impressive fifteenth century building in Gothic- Catalan style, modified in ‘700 with baroque embellishments. It belonged first to the powerful family Gravina – Cruyllas of Francofonte; then it was inhabited by other noble families of the city, until the …