Halloween: mistery places to visit in Catania

Mistery! On Halloween day we have some fun telling you about mysterious places and legends with timeless charm. 

An old weird witch, a medieval city, King Arthur on Etna and a legend about Catania. Here’s our advice to discover (better with some friends) the misterious places and legends of Catania. “We wish you” some slight shudder!


? : little frightening
?? : frightening
??? : only the brave

Catania balla senza suono (Catania dance without music)?

This legend is related to the earthquake of 1693, that destroyed the city.
It is said that on the morning of January 10th, a local weird witch came to the palace of baron Don Arcaloru Scammacca (it is one of the historic building in piazza S. Francesco d’Assisi in Catania). According to the words of the witch, a big disaster was going to be on Catania because of the sins committed by the people of the city. And a terrible prophecy was added by the old lady: «Don Arcaloru, don Arcaloru, dumani. A vintin’ura, a Catania s’abballa senza sonu» (“Don Arcaloru, don Arcaloru. Tomorrow at midnight, Catania will dance without music”). When he understood what “the dance without music” was, the baron sought shelter in the countryside (in the current Ognina district). Here he waited the fatal hour. On time, the earthquake happend causing disastrous consequences.


Targa terremoto Catania in via di Sangiuliano

Mistery tour in Randazzo ???

Randazzo has always been a strategic place, where different population met each other: Greeks, Romans, Byzantine, Arab, Normans, and so on… It is a complex little city, even the origin of its name are shrouded in the mistery.
Why it might be worth to visit it on Halloween? Because Randazzo hides a lot of misteries among its walls. Have good times going around – alone or with friends – and looking for fascinating stories: among the icons of the frameworks on the altar strung on the walls of the church, in the symbols of the many bell towers or again listening to the stories about Templar Knights.

The legend of King Arthur on Etna ?

Like (almost) every northern people, King Arthur too… loved Sicily. When his son wounded him, while dying he thought to fix his sword (which went broken during the duel.
The Archangel Micheal was passing by right there, who listened to the dying wish of the King and brought him back to Sicily. The King repaired the sword using lava and made it strong and bright. Then, tired and happy, he felt asleep in a cave.
When he wake up, he felt in love with the landscape and the natural beauties he saw. King Arthur begged God because he wanted to live longer for enjoying all those beauties.
And so happened that King Arthur still lived, watching over Catania from mount Etna.


The pit of Gammazita ??

It is said that a french soldier felt in love with a beautiful girl of Catania named Gammazita. The girl didn’t love him and when she refused the soldier, he decided to take revenge. He waited the young girl to be alone while getting the water at the pit (that currently has her name) and attacked her. With no escape from the attack, she preferred to throw herself in the pit instead of giving in to him. Her story is mentioned as example of patriotism and honesty of Catania women. The iron wastes that create some red stains on the walls of the pit are traditionally associated to the blood of Gammazita. Are you scared?

The english cemetery of Catania ??

The Military Cemetery of Catania, the first cemetery of this kind in Sicily, was built in 1949. The other two cemeteries are in Siracusa and Agira.
It stands 7 km south-west to the city and hosts the mortal remains of people deceased in Lentini and Messina. They are the soldier killed during the war for the liberation of Sicily from Nazism and Fascism.
Totally, it contains the mortal remains of 2.135 allied soldiers, of whom 113 are still unidentified (the graves belongs above all to english soldiers). Inside the cemetery there is the register of the people decesead during the war which are buried here, as well as the visitors’ book. A real piece of history!

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